An introduction to reactive programming
There has been a significant shift in recent years towards server-side and network programming using event-driven asynchronous runtime environments and frameworks such as Node.js, Twisted, and Netty/NIO. Asynchronous code allows independent IO operations to run concurrently, resulting in efficient code. However, this improved efficiency comes at a cost — straightforward synchronous code may become a mess of nested callbacks.
Can we do better? Can we combine the simplicity of synchronous code with the efficiency of the asynchronous approach? It turns out we can. Futures are an abstraction that allow us to express the effect of latency in asynchronous computations, encapsulate event-handling code, and use higher-order functions such as map, reduce, and filter, to compose clean and readable asynchronous code.
We will explore this by looking at a web-scraping word count example. First, we’ll write simple synchronous code and consider how this code may look rewritten with a callback-based asynchronous framework such as Node.js or Netty. Then, we’ll use promises to turn callback-based building blocks into functions returning futures, allowing us to compose code using functional programming constructs.
While the examples below are in Scala, the abstractions and patterns described are applicable to most modern languages. Basic familiarity with functional patterns is assumed, but you can catch up by reading Mary’s awesome introduction to functional programming.
To callback hell and back
Consider the following example of single-threaded synchronous code:
the countWordOccurrences
function takes a List
of URLs and a keyword, fetches
the HTML behind each URL, parses the HTML into a DOM representation, and counts the number
of times the keyword occurs within each page. It returns a List
of pairs of
URL and count:
def countWordOccurrences(urls: List[String], keyword: String):
List[(String, Int)] = {
urls map { url =>
val html = fetchUrl(url)
val dom = parseHtmlToDOM(html)
val count = countWordOccurrencesInDOM(dom, keyword)
(url, count)
This code is easy to reason about — operations are performed one after another,
in the specified order. However, this is not very efficient—each fetchUrl
call is independent from one another and thus easily parallelized, yet this code
executes them serially. Furthermore, each fetchUrl
operation involves network
IO and will block the execution thread while waiting for IO to complete.
With a callback-based asynchronous approach, the code may look something like this:
def countWordOccurrencesAsync(
urls: List[String],
keyword: String,
successHandler: (List[(String, Int)]) => Unit,
errorHandler: (Throwable) => Unit): Unit = {
// access to these shared variables would need
// to be synchronized, adding even more complexity
var resultsAccumulator = List[(String, Int)]()
var isUrlCompleted = urls
.foldLeft(HashMap[String, Boolean]()) {
(acc, url) =>
acc.updated(url, false)
urls map { url =>
successHandler = { html =>
successHandler = { dom =>
successHandler = { count =>
// add this result to the accumulator
resultsAccumulator = (url, count) :: resultsAccumulator
// update state to denote that this url is completed
isUrlCompleted = isUrlCompleted.updated(url, true)
// check if all urls have been completed
// if so, invoke the top success handler
val allDone = isUrlCompleted
.map { case(key, value) => value }
.reduce { (a, b) => a && b }
if (allDone) {
Here, each ...Async
function returns immediately and execution continues while
the network IO or other computation is underway. Callback functions are passed as
arguments to handle cases when the operation is successful and when an error occurs.
The callbacks are executed once the operation is completed.
This approach allows for more efficient use of system resources, but still has a number of drawbacks:
We need to have shared state variables (
) and synchronize access to them -
Each asynchronous processing step requires a nested callback, quickly leading to “callback hell”
The code is much harder to read and understand
Futures and promises
What is particularly nice about the synchronous code in the first example is that
a function like fetchUrl
returns a String
value that other functions in
turn use for their computations. This leads to easily readable and composable
Futures allow for a similar pattern using asynchronous rather than synchronous code. A future is an
object that expresses a result of asynchronous computation—a value that is not
available yet but may be available in the future1. This allows the asynchronous version of fetchUrl
to return a value of type Future[String]
which is then used in synchronous-looking code, without worrying about whether a String
value is actually available.
Promise objects are utility objects that make it easier to construct futures, like so:
def fetchUrl(url: String): Future[String] = {
val p = Promise[String]()
successHandler = { html => p.success(html) },
errorHandler = { error => p.failure(error) })
In this example, fetchUrl
calls the callback-based counterpart fetchUrlAsync
with a success handler that completes Promise p
with success and a failure
handler that completes p
with failure. The function then extracts a Future
out of Promise p
and returns it to the caller. This “wrapping” of
callback-based code using promise objects to return a future object is a
very common pattern in reactive programming.
The parseHtmlToDOM
and countWordOccurrencesInDOM
functions would be
similarly refactored to return Future[DOM]
and Future[Int]
Map/filter/reduce hell
The Future
trait defines standard higher-order functions such as map
, flatMap
, fold
, and reduce
. These functions are not exactly the same as ones
defined on List
, but are similar. For example, flatMap
on Future[T]
applies a function that takes T
as an argument and returns
and flattens the resulting Future[Future[S]]
into a single
2. This is analogous to how flatMap
on List
flattens a List
of List
into a single List
The higher-order functions make it possible to compose functions returning futures using familiar functional programming patterns:
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
def countWordOccurrences(urls: List[String], keyword: String):
Future[List[(String, Int)]] = {
// partially apply countWordOccurrencesInDOM
val countKeywordOccurrencesInDOM = countWordOccurrencesInDOM(_: DOM, keyword)
// expression evaluates to List[Future[(String, Int)]
val listOfFutures = urls
.map { url =>
.map { count => (url, count) } }
// transform List[Future[(String, Int)] to Future[List[(String, Int)]]
The new version of countWordOccurrences
simply performs flatMap
on the result of
over parseHtmlToDOM
and countKeywordOccurrencesInDOM
maps the result to a pair of URL and count, resulting in Future[(String, Int)]
The call to Future.sequence
is necessary to transform the List
of Future[(String, Int)]
into a Future
of List[(String, Int)]
This code appears much cleaner than the callback example. However, it is important to note that each function in the above example is defined to take exactly output of the preceding function. We may not be so lucky with real-world APIs and we may need to process output before passing it to the next function. So, it is easy to imagine that real-world code could become much more complicated by additional processing steps. It may even feel like we are simply trading callback hell for map/filter/reduce hell.
Finally, reactive code composed with higher-order functions is often not purely functional—it typically involves side effects through network or file system IO3.
So, is there an even better way to write asynchronous code?
Macros to the rescue: async/await
The Scala Async library provides async
and await
macros inspired by the similar constructs originally introduced by C#. The macros make it possible to write efficient asynchronous code in a direct style, very similar to how the synchronous code was written in the first example.
The basic approach is to wrap each block of asynchronous code within an async block and each computation resulting in a future within an await block. The computation within an await block will be “suspended” until the corresponding future is completed, but in a non-blocking fashion and without any performance penalties.
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.async.Async.{ async, await }
def countWordOccurrences(urls: List[String], keyword: String):
Future[List[(String, Int)]] = {
// listOfFutures evaluates to type List[Future[(String, Int)]
val listOfFutures = urls
.map { url => async {
// html, dom and numberOfOccurrences values are of type String,
// DOM, and Int respectively
val html = await { fetchUrl(url) }
val dom = await { parseHtmlToDOM(html) }
val count = await { countWordOccurrencesInDOM(dom, keyword) }
(url, count)
// transform List[Future[(String, Int)] to Future[List[(String, Int)]]
The code above looks nearly identical to the synchronous code from the first example, reflects our intent more directly, and feels more natural.
What’s next?
We barely scratched the surface of reactive programming using Future
, Promise
and async
constructs. The upcoming Coursera course Principles of
Reactive Programming digs deeper into
the details, incorporates interesting programming exercises, and covers two more
reactive patterns that are particularly useful: observables and actors.
Observables provide a powerful abstraction over event streams, similarly to how futures provide an abstraction over discrete events. The most notable implementation of observables is probably Microsoft’s open-source Reactive Extensions library. This library was used extensively at Netflix to redefine how they approach both back-end and front-end development. Netflix also put together a great interactive tutorial that covers using Reactive Extensions with JavaScript.
Actors provide the building blocks for distributed, fault-tolerant message-passing applications, such as messaging servers, trading systems, and telecom appliances. The most notable implementations of actors include Erlang OTP and TypeSafe Akka.
Since the computation may succeed or throw an error, the future will either complete with a value (success) or with an error (failure). ↩
You don’t need to know this to follow the rest of this article, but if you are curious, here is a sketch of how
may be implemented onFuture[T]
:def flatMap[S](func: T => Future[S]): Future[S] = { val p = Promise[S]() // onComplete method registers a callback that is executed when // this Future is completed this onComplete { // if this Future fails, complete the promise with failure, i.e. // propagate failure of "this" Future to the resulting Future[S] case Failure(e) => p.failure(e) // if "this" Future is successful, evaluate provided function // with its result and complete the promise appropriately case Success(value) => // apply provided function "func" that returns Future[S] val resultingFuture = func(value) // register onComplete callback on the resulting Future[S] resultingFuture onComplete { // if computation fails, complete the promise with failure case Failure(e) => p.failure(e) // if computation returns a value, complete the promise with // the resulting value case Success(resultingValue) => p.success(resultingValue) } } p.future }
This is why the popular term “Reactive Functional Programming” feels like a bit of misnomer. ↩